Why We Are Here

KWETA is the Kwara State Education Transformation Agenda serving as a communique from the Kwara Education Futures Summit held in Ilorin, Kwara state capital, on the 5th of August, 2021.
It seeks to address the declining state of the educational system in the state through increased use of technology, creativity, emotional intelligence, complex problem solving skills and critical thinking. The pillars of KWETA address school infrastructure, teachers’ training, students’ attendance, quality of curriculum and learning, parents’ involvement and regulations to support school management. These problems are found to be at the root of the literacy decline in Kwara State.

Kwara (Yoruba: Ìpínlẹ̀ Kwárà) is a state in Central Nigeria. Its capital is Ilorin. The state is thickly polulated by people who speak Yoruba language, it also has significant Nupe, Bariba, and Fulani population. Kwara has a population of about 3.1 million people (2016).
Over the past decade, only a paltry 10% or less of Kwara’s annual budget has been allocated to education. At no time in the past decades has the government’s budget met the recommended budgetary provision for the education sector. Funds have also been concentrated in recurrent rather than capital expenditure, which is needed for long term impact and growth. More glaring is the wide-spread infrastructure deficits at schools and the dilapidation of their physical structures.

Pillars of KWETA

Solutions via the 5 pillars will address the problem areas relating to early childhood, Primary School, Secondary School, Vocational, Tertiary and even Continuous/Adult Education. In addition to these traditional aspects of education, Special Needs and Nomadic education have a special focus in Kwara State to ensure that no one is left behind.

Governance and Institutional Development encompasses developing and enabling educational policies and strategies for the state. This pillar is also necessary for planning,budgeting and monitoring performance.
Organizational Development for SUBEB andthe 16 LGEA’s surround the management ofthe workforce, which includes training and capacity building. It also encompasses theuse of quality data to drive decision makingand technologically enabled work places.
Infrastructure involves the facilities and the building of the school, including facilities like sports and recreation.
Teacher Development and Curriculum encompasses the teacher’s development before and during their service years. Management systems and quality assurance is also addressed in this pillar.

Community Participation and Partnerships encompasses the involvement of the community in the educational sector and the development of civil society and private sector partnerships

KWETA can be made not only a reality but a lasting legacy when both the private and public sector join hands.

Engagement Options

These are different options available to potential partners to engage in the KWETA initiative. Partners are encouraged to choose any option that best appeals to them. Every single option and programme is relevant to this initiative and none is less important than the other.